Gorgeous,no? At first we thought it was Sarah Bernhardt, but now we realize it is Gay Paree, loaded with blooms this year.
Author: Boyd
Another white lovely
Another gorgeous snow-white peony, this time from the neighbor on the other side, Phyllis. These have just a tiny touch of dark red on some of their center petals. We do have our own white peonies we are anxiously awaiting to bloom. Maybe one day soon I’ll have a picture of those soon.
Gorgeous white peonies
One last weekend beauty
I thought I would leave you with one final glorious picture from this weekend. Our neighbor Margaret grows several patches of poppies along the west side of our yard. They are so ethereal and vibrant, flamboyant even, yet tissue thin. I adore them.
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We had a wonderful Sunday – shopping, gardening, cooking, dinner with neighbors (who brought a homemade strawberry-rhubarb pie warm from the oven!), lots of play time with Juliette and even enough time for some chores. Perfect, just perfect,
And so it begins …
The first potato salad of the season, my own personal “starting line” – summer is officially here! Tonight we will share it with friends and neighbors, along with some grilled chicken and mint tea from our very own patch.
Beverly Sills
She’s been teasing us for days, threatening to open but not doing so. This morning when I walked into the kitchen to get my coffee I glanced out the window and this is what I saw. A lovely way to start a Saturday morning – iris “Beverly Sills.”
Two beautiful pictures
I was lucky enough to see two beautiful things tonight when we took Beaulah out after dinner. Pictures of both lovelies are below. The first one is a peony called Coral Seas. You know the second one.
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Video of damage from our neighborhood …
Almost all of this video comes from our immediate neighborhood. The house at the 35 second mark is the house across the street from us. From about 1:06 to 1:50 is all in the block or two around us, and there is more footage from our area after the 1:50 mark mixed in with other footage. You see how lucky we were?
Yesterday’s Tornado
We had a tornado come through our neighborhood yesterday around 2:30. We were at the Guthrie for a play with H’s parents and his sister, and Juliette was home with our neighbor Kathy. It came on so fast, the tornado hit before the sirens went off. Kathy’s daughter texted me and we all got up and dashed out when we got the message. That was the most stressful ride home I’ve ever had! I knew J was OK, but I just HAD to see her for myself – and almost lost it then! Our baby slept in her crib less than 100 feet from the tornado, with no time or warning to get her in the basement to safety – and that knowledge kinda put me over the edge yesterday.
We only sustained damage to one tree, one very big limb lost. Our neighboors two doors down suffered massive damage. Cars crushed by falling trees, parts of trees down through the roof and into the ceilings in rooms. Just tons and tons of very large trees, all uprooted in one piece and laid down in all sorts of different directions. We had to go to H’s parents to recharge our cell phones, because we had no power or phone service. The condos behind the houses across the street from us got hit really hard, and there were three big gas leaks, so they’ve shut of gas to part of the neighborhood and evacuated the condosuntil they can know it is safe. They said it would be 3-5 days before we had power, if everything went well. As it turns out, power came back on a few minutes after 8 this morning. The whole area has been a big work scene since the tornado hit. Lots of tree clearing equipment, lots of
power company trucks and workers – police at every entrance to the neighboorhood controlling who comes and goes. It was a cool and eerily beautiful night last night. We put Juliette to bed and sat on the back porch listening to the birds singing.
They said one man died, 22 have been injured – a baby was trapped in a car when a tree crahsed on it. One of our neighbors was taken by ambulance to hospital. We are so fortunate and tonight we are counting our blessings. We came so close to disaster, yet are completely safe and unharmed and so much more fortunate than some of our neighbors who really have taken quite a hit. You just never know how life can change in a moment.
Harald found a link to a video that someone took from the Costco less than a mile from our house. The video shows the tornado exactly as it came ruight by our house. You can click here to see the video. And then to see all the destruction in Joplin, Missouri just points out much worse it could have been. Thanking God tonight for our safety and praying for our neighbors and the people in Joplin. So sad, so very, very sad.
Tulip Festival Pictures
My best friend, Nancy, who lives in Washington now sent me these pictures last night of the tulip festival held in the Skagit Valley every year. I’ve been lucky enough to see the festival in person once, but these pictures do a pretty good job at relaying the magnificent beauty of the gardens that the tulips growers maintain and show off during the festival.
[album: http://www.fiberguy.com/wp-content/plugins/dm-albums/dm-albums.php?currdir=/wp-content/uploads/dm-albums/Tulips2011/]