Thanks to friend Sandy in Memphis for finding this.
Author: Boyd
A little Christmas magnificence
Thank you to my friend Roz in the UK for tuning me into this rendition of one of my very favorite Christmas hymns. For some reason, it makes me cry a little (but not out of sadness!) each time I hear it. This version is from the Choir of King’s College, Cambridge, ca. 1993. It’s truly beautiful. I’ve posted lyrics below for those unfamiliar with it.
Jesus Christ The Apple Tree
From Divine Hymns or Spiritual Songs,
compiled by Joshua Smith, New Hampshire, 1784
Tune by Elizabeth Poston, 1905-1987
1. The tree of life my soul hath seen,
Laden with fruit and always green:
The trees of nature fruitless be
Compared with Christ the apple tree.
2. His beauty doth all things excel:
By faith I know, but ne’er can tell
The glory which I now can see
In Jesus Christ the apple tree.
3. For happiness I long have sought,
And pleasure dearly I have bought:
I missed of all; but now I see
‘Tis found in Christ the apple tree.
4. I’m weary with my former toil,
Here I will sit and rest awhile:
Under the shadow I will be,
Of Jesus Christ the apple tree.
5. This fruit doth make my soul to thrive,
It keeps my dying faith alive;
Which makes my soul in haste to be
With Jesus Christ the apple tree.
To Be the Poet: Maxine Hong Kingston
I have never heard of Maxine Hong Kingston before, but a friend shared a video of her at UC Berkley’s Lunch Poems programs back in 2004. But I am totally smitten with her now that I’ve heard her speak. I am passing her along to others who, like me, may be unfamiliar with her and her work. She is an absolute delight and I hope you enjoy listening to her as much as I do. Makes me wish I lived in San Francisco again so I could attend these lunch programs.
Weekend Fun
I had a “to-do” list a mile long on Friday, but we slogged our way through it and got all but the last three things done by yesterday, despite spending Saturday night at a Christmas party. We scaled back a bit on the decorations this year, and most of the breakable stuff is either not out or put up high, but home is still warm and cozy and feeling really like Christmas. I’m officially full of holiday spirit now!
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Some pictures of Juliette in the morning
This morning after we got her dressed for grandma’s, Juliette decided she wanted to try on some of her hats. The pink velvet outfit with the fur collar and cuffs is too adorable, and so is she.
[album: 03 2010/]Overdue slideshows – Mostly Juliette
I know I have been unforgivably late in posting these. My only excuse (and it’s a good one, so I’m sticking to it!) is that keeping up with a busy 16 month old leaves me little time except to crash when she goes to bed at night. So without further ado ….
Pumpkin Picking
[album: picking/]
Lutsen, October 2010 – over MEA weekend
[album: October 2010/]
Visitors from Norway
[album: from Norway/]
Halloween 2010
[album: 2010/]
November Cutie
[album: Cutie/]
First snow of 2001
[album: snow of 2010/]
As alluded to in my posts from early October, last month was a time of sadness and grief in our family, as two visiting loved ones from Norway were tragically killed in a car accident on October 5. Then about 10 days ago, my own mother in Florida was hurt (but not critically) in a bad accident when she accidentally turned into oncoming traffic. Her car was totaled, but thank God she escaped serious injury. Along with the new month, things finally seem to be turning, however. Our routines are getting back to normal now and I’m looking forward to quiet time at home and getting some things done. And the Minneapolis Sewing Expo is coming next week, and I’ve always wanted to go, but never been. This year will be different. Not only am I going to go, I am going to try to take a class or two. It is simply unforgivable to have such a wonderful resource right here in my own back yard (literally minutes from where I live and work) and not take advantage of it. Sewing is my one true passion, the thing that has remained with me throughout the years and circumstances of my life. It is time I give more honor and attention to the one interest I love most. I’ve bought David Page Coffin’s book on shirtmaking and I am going to make myself, and them my dear love, a shirt. I think that is a good beginning project. And I’ve got two quilt tops to get quilted, another quilt at the quilter that should be finished soon, and two more quilts ready to get started (not to mention the projects I already have in various stages of completion). And I will get Harald’s sweater seamed and blocked soon, too, so he can wear it this winter. So much fiber, so little time …
There is a quote I have hanging up in my sewing studio. I’ll repost it for you here, as it seems apt:
Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.
Indeed. Regardless of its source (read about the controversy here), the sentiment is exactly what I need.
A poem for the day
My friend Kay posted this to our CJ group today and it really moved me. I’ve spared most of my blog readers from my love of poetry, considering it a private indulgence. But I am going to change that for today.
Praise What Comes
surprising as unplanned kisses, all you haven’t deserved
of days and solitude, your body’s immoderate good health
that lets you work in many kinds of weather. Praise
talk with just about anyone. And quiet intervals, books
that are your food and your hunger; nightfall and walks
before sleep. Praising these for practice, perhaps
you will come at last to praise grief and the wrongs
you never intended. At the end there may be no answers
and only a few very simple questions: did I love,
finish my task in the world? Learn at least one
of the many names of God? At the intersections,
the boundaries where one life began and another
ended, the jumping-off places between fear and
possibility, at the ragged edges of pain,
did I catch the smallest glimpse of the holy?
~ Jeanne Lohmann ~
There is a Balm in Gilead
Over the past few days, I have been rediscovering some music I grew up with. Mahalia Jackson, who I think was the greatest gospel singer of all time, played on my mom’s LP player until I thought I would wear it out. Here is one of her classics. My iPod is gospel-happy now.
Pictures from jelly making weekend
Once again, we headed to Lutsen over the Labor Day weekend. This is our designated annual jelly-making weekend and it was a good one. We found some really good fruit and this batch is, perhaps, the best batch of crabapple jelly we’ve ever made. We made two kinds. The first couple of batches we “plain” crabapple jelly made from a variety of apples. The second added hot peppers to the jelly. The first batch we made we used just the fiery hot cayenne peppers that Karin grew this year, but when the batch was done, we decided it was a little tame, even to the Scandinavian palate, and so in the next two batches we added some serrano chiles that Helen had brought up. They are a real favorite of mine and I love their flavor. They were a welcome addition to the jelly. So without further ado …
[album: September 2010/]