One last weekend beauty

I thought I would leave you with one final glorious picture from this weekend. Our neighbor Margaret grows several patches of poppies along the west side of our yard. They are so ethereal and vibrant, flamboyant even, yet tissue thin. I adore them.


We had a wonderful Sunday – shopping, gardening, cooking, dinner with neighbors (who brought a homemade strawberry-rhubarb pie warm from the oven!), lots of play time with Juliette and even enough time for some chores. Perfect, just perfect,

Tulip Festival Pictures

My best friend, Nancy, who lives in Washington now sent me these pictures last night of the tulip festival held in the Skagit Valley every year. I’ve been lucky enough to see the festival in person once, but these pictures do a pretty good job at relaying the magnificent beauty of the gardens that the tulips growers maintain and show off during the festival.


Easter Sunday, 2011

I know it has been a long, long time since I have posted. I’ve been very busy at work over the last two months with our new CIO arriving and all of my new responsibilities. No longer can I just sit quietly in my own little office doing my own work. But it’s all good, really it is. It’s just that by the time I get home most nights and get dinner made and the kitchen cleaned and spend a little time with Juliette before getting her ready for bed, well I’m just all tuckered out and my git up and go has got up and went. So without further ado, I bring you photos of one of Easter’s loveliest little girls. She made her mind up real quick like that she wasn’t a bit interested in wearing the pretty hat we got to go with her outfit, and it just wasn’t a battle we needed to fight.


Weekend Fun

I had a “to-do” list a mile long on Friday, but we slogged our way through it and got all but the last three things done by yesterday, despite spending Saturday night at a Christmas party. We scaled back a bit on the decorations this year, and most of the breakable stuff is either not out or put up high, but home is still warm and cozy and feeling really like Christmas. I’m officially full of holiday spirit now!

Overdue slideshows – Mostly Juliette

I know I have been unforgivably late in posting these. My only excuse (and it’s a good one, so I’m sticking to it!) is that keeping up with a busy 16 month old leaves me little time except to crash when she goes to bed at night. So without further ado ….

Pumpkin Picking
[album: picking/]

Lutsen, October 2010 – over MEA weekend
[album: October 2010/]

Visitors from Norway
[album: from Norway/]

Halloween 2010
[album: 2010/]

November Cutie
[album: Cutie/]

First snow of 2001
[album: snow of 2010/]